School Theme

Unleash the Power
Ephesians 3:20-21

Thursday, August 25, 2011

We're Off to a Tremendous Start!

The students and I have certainly hit the ground running this school year!  I am very proud of the effort students are putting in all of their school work.  Last week, many students said their Bible verse early on Thursday and everyone had said it by Friday.  Way to go!  

Each day, Mrs. Baugh, Mrs. Drake, and myself are reviewing our expectations for them in fourth grade. It is important that they know exactly what is expected of them.  The students continue working on organization, responsibility, and time management.  We understand this is a work in progress but want to them to be accountable.    

The dates for our three field trips have been set.  Mark your calendar:
                  Nature Field Trip                                         October 14th
                     Downtown Nashville Walking Tour           April  18th
                     Jr. Docents at The Hermitage                    May   8th
All the field trip are wonderful learning experiences for the students!  I always hear great things from parents about the Walking Tour and The Hermitage.  On the Walking Tour, our guide is the best and most adults learn something about Nashville that they didn't know.  Being Junior Docents at The Hermitage is one of the most memorable experiences in fourth grade!  We will also, need parents to help us provide transportation and supervision on all three trips.  

Today, several items will be coming home.  For students who attended Goodpasture last year, they are receiving yearbooks.  Also, the City Saver fundraiser is kicking off today.  Students will be bringing home their graded papers.  It is beneficial for students to review their graded papers and rework those that contained errors.  To view your child's grades online, Power School information about their user name and password went home yesterday.

Math News:  Mrs. Drake wanted to pass along this valuable information.  "I want to encourage everyone to work on basic math facts at home. Let the children use flash cards or games to help them memorize the addition, subtraction, and multiplication facts. The quick recall of the basic facts will be very beneficial. After this week, I plan on giving them one fact quiz a week. Next week, the fact quiz will be on the addition facts. Please take a few minutes each day to drill these with your child." 

Social Science News:  Students have been excited to use the microscopes this week in science.  They have been examining plant cells from a green onion.  Remember that your choices for the Tourin' Tennessee project is due by September 2nd.  

Reading News:  We are off to a terrific start in reading!  In class, the students are learning about important elements, like the setting, characters, and the problem/solution which make a great story.  Also each Wednesday, students will be given 5 new stems (prefixes, roots, or suffixes) to learn for the week.  Then on the following Wednesday, they will be assessed if they know the stems, definitions, and two words which use that stem.  In class, we refer to this as Word Wall Wednesday.  Coming home with graded papers will be information about the SR program.  In the next few weeks, students will be assessed as to which grade level they are currently reading.  

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