School Theme

Unleash the Power
Ephesians 3:20-21

Thursday, September 8, 2011

From the Mrs. Collins' Desk

This week has been a short week due to the Labor Day holiday.  The students are impressing me by reciting the memory verse on Thursdays!  I am very proud of them for preparing ahead of the Friday due date.  Thank you for working with them at home and helping them learn each week's verse(s).  

Mark your calendars because Cougar Day is Saturday, October 1st. Our class will have the Astro Jump/Ball Pond in the Kid's Korner.  Mrs. Tomlinson has graciously agreed to be our class chairman and organize our booth.  We will need donations of prizes and your time to help make this a successful day.  

Math News from Mrs. Drake:  Next Tuesday, the students will have another multiplication fact quiz. I have tried to ease them back in to testing over these facts, and most are doing very well. Please look at the quiz in this week's graded papers and see how your child is progressing. They need to be memorizing the facts at this point. You may want them to use flash cards, computer games and/or worksheets with facts on them. The students need to know their facts so well,  they just breeze through the list easily. Tuesday, I will begin timing the tests to encourage the memorization of the basic facts.

Social Science News from Mrs. Baugh:  The students enjoyed painting their salt maps of Tennessee.  This concluded our study of chapter 1 in social studies.  We will be testing over chapter 1 on Friday.  The students have a study sheet, and we have been also reviewing for this test in class.

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