School Theme

Unleash the Power
Ephesians 3:20-21

Thursday, October 13, 2011

From the Desk of Mrs. Collins'....

Tomorrow will be our first field trip and looking at the weather, I think it will be a beautiful day!  If you are driving in the morning, please be at school by 9:20am.  We will leave at 9:30.  The students should bring their sweatshirt, sack lunch, and leaves.

Report cards will be coming home tomorrow.  Please sign and return those on Monday.

During morning announcements this month, students from our class are reading the scripture.  They are doing a fantastic job and I am so proud of them!

Science & Social Studies News:  In science we have begun a chapter on "Continuing the Species."  The class has already learned some fascinating facts.  In social studies we are continuing our study of Native Americans.  We will be concentrating on the Indians of Tennessee, beginning next week.  

Math News:  On Friday, October 21, the students will have a math test over chapter 3. The students completed a mid-chapter review on Wednesday, and an entire chapter review will be completed next Thursday. I believe these reviews will help them to recall the skills from this chapter. With the last chapter, I had the students take an online test that was very helpful to most students. I will again place an online test for this chapter. It will be ready for the students to take next week, but keep in mind additional skills will be taught through Wednesday. 

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