School Theme

Unleash the Power
Ephesians 3:20-21

Friday, November 11, 2011

From Mrs. Collins' Desk....

The students are doing a fabulous job on their Book Talks!  The students are really getting interested in many different books.  We will be finishing them up next week.

Social Science News from Mrs. Baugh:  This week, in science, we had a fun time as we tried to simulate different bird beaks using spoons, forks, straws, and toothpicks.  The students worked in pairs as they tried to pick up rice, foam packing peanuts, and water.  It was an interesting way to introduce a lesson on animal adaptations.  Ask your child about the "Blubber Glove," and why we did that experiment.  Science is so much fun!

Keep clipping out those Box Tops for our Box Top Bonanza in November!  The grade level who has collected the most Box Tops receives a pizza party.  Plus we are earning money for our school.

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