School Theme

Unleash the Power
Ephesians 3:20-21

Thursday, December 8, 2011

From Mrs. Collins' Desk....

Thank you for your generosity!  Our fourth grade mitten tree is full of a variety of mittens and gloves!  ALso, the fourth grade hallway is stacked with can foods!  

In class, students have been busy reading their books for book reports that are due next Wednesday, December 14th.  Because the book reports are due on Wednesday, there will be no Word Wall next week.  This will enable the students to focus on the reports.  It is important for us to wrap this reading unit up prior to leaving for the holidays.  So, we will begin reading the short story "Twisted Trails" on Friday and the story quiz will be next Tuesday the 13th..  Finally, students will have their Reading Vocabulary Test next Thursday, December 15th.

Upcoming Dates in Reading:
Tuesday, Dec. 13th: "Twisted Trails" story quiz
Wednesday, Dec. 14th:          Book report with illustration due
Thursday, Dec. 15th:  Reading Vocabulary Test

Math News from Mrs. Drake:  In math the students are learning to use a variety of strategies and models to divide whole numbers up to 3 digits by 1-digit divisors both with and without remainders. The students are discovering the relationship between multiplying and dividing. I am so glad they have conquered the multiplication facts so well, as it has made the dividing of numbers so much easier on them. This Tuesday the students will have a division fact quiz. The format will be the same as the multiplication fact quiz. We will be unable to finish chapter 6 before the holidays. We will continue division after Christmas Break. 
Our class Christmas party will be on Friday, December 16th at 9:30 and it will last about an hour.  Mrs. Parrish has volunteered to organized this for the children.  If you can help in any way, please let her know.  

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