School Theme

Unleash the Power
Ephesians 3:20-21

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Happy New Year and Welcome Back!

Students have chosen their Book Talk books and are eagerly reading them.  They were given about 30 minutes in class today to read and will be given time tomorrow to read, as well.  Earlier this week, the Book Talk calendar was given to students to show when each student would give their Book Talk.  They are scheduled for the end of January and beginning of February.  The students did such a great job last time that I am looking forward to hearing their talks!  Next week, the students will be assessed on Word Wall on Wednesday.   Students will be learning about fact/nonfact, comparing/contrasting, and identifying root words. Also, we will be reading Gluskabe and the Snow Bird and the story quiz will be on Friday.  

Social Studies/Science News from Mrs. Baugh:  Today, in social studies, we devoted the entire class period to honoring Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.  Dr. King made such a powerful impact on American history, and I want fourth graders to be aware of the contribution that Dr. King made.  We watched a short film clip of one of his speeches, read a biography of Dr. King, did some role playing and creative writing, and also discussed how fourth graders can make a difference in making this country a better place.

Math News from Mrs. Drake:  The students are working diligently as we end the chapter on division. A quiz was given on Wednesday and will be in this week's signed papers. Most students did very well. I encourage you to take a couple of minutes over the weekend to check on their progress with dividing two and three digit numbers by a 1- digit number.  A test will be given on Tuesday.

Here are a few of the pictures from our winter celebration day when we returned back to school from the holidays.

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