School Theme

Unleash the Power
Ephesians 3:20-21

Thursday, March 1, 2012

From the Desk of Mrs. Collins'....

Re-enrollment has begun for currently enrolled students for the next school year.  You should have received the information in the mail.  You can save $50 if you turn in the forms by March 10th

Social Science News from Mrs. Baugh:  The "Tourin Tennessee" posters are due April 17th. If your child has not visited his historical site, you and your child need to plan on doing this in the near future. (Spring break is a great time to go.)  If any of you need another information sheet for this project, let your child know, and he can pick one up in class.

In science we are finishing up a short study of the water cycle and climate, and on Friday we will have an open book quiz on this information.  Next week in social science I plan on reviewing skills and highlighting additional lessons that we have not yet covered this school year. My objective is to give the students some exposure to concepts that may be on the Stanford Achievement Test. 

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