School Theme

Unleash the Power
Ephesians 3:20-21

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Book Clubs Are Here!

For the next two weeks in Reading, the students will be participating in Book Clubs.  Today, we briefly discussed Book Clubs in class and the students are so eager to get started!  I have divided the students into four groups and selected a different book for each group.  In trying to find "good fit" books for each group, I considered interest, reading level, and strength in reading skills.  These groups are not permanent.  Students can move between groups throughout the year.  Each group will meet at least twice a week to discuss what they read.  Students will be assigned to read a certain number of pages and they will have a writing assignment too.  One thing to remember is the students cannot read ahead.  I know that will be difficult for some.  

I was able to meet with two groups in each class today and handout their novels.  They were so EXCITED!  I even saw a few students reading their books during dismissal.  (Needless to say, that made my day!)  I will meet with the other two groups tomorrow and give out their novels.  

In addition, we are wrapping up Unit 4 in our textbook.  The students will be tested over the unit's vocabulary next Thursday, February 9th. The vocabulary words and definitions are located in their reading section of their notebook.  Also, the students will take the reading unit test Friday, February 17th, which will test them on the skills we have learned.  While they can't study for this test, they can practice using those skills with their Book Club novel.  The skills to be tests are comparing/contrasting, drawing conclusions, fact/nonfact, steps in a process, prefixes, root words, and using graphic aids (graphs, charts, etc.).

We have been studying about weathering and erosion in science this week.  We have one more lesson in this section about "Earth's Features," before we have a test.  I know the class will be excited when I take out my collection of rocks and minerals next week when we study the lesson entitled, "Earth Materials in Tennessee."  Several have already mentioned to me that they have a special rock collection at home.

Last week in connection with the graph chapter, we took a survey in Math class about our prediction of the 46th Super Bowl winner. It was fun hearing all the many reasons why they voted for the particular team. Ask your child who their class had the highest vote for, or come see the graphs in our hallway. Go team!

On Friday, we will have a special Spirit Day. The students may wear their favorite NFL /College/GCS Football Team jersey. Wear your jeans and jersey!

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