School Theme

Unleash the Power
Ephesians 3:20-21

Thursday, February 9, 2012

From the Desk of Mrs. Collins'

Students are thoroughly enjoying the books that we are reading for our Book Clubs.  It is always fun to talk about the books that we read with others who are reading the same book.  Because of the Book Clubs and play practices, I have decided not to introduce new word stems this week for Word Wall.  So next Wednesday, the students will not be assessed on Word Wall.  This will allow students to focus on their Book Clubs and prepare for the Valentine program.  Remember, the reading unit test will be next Friday, the 24th.

Earlier this week, the students were given information about the Celebrate Literacy contest.  Every fourth grader must participate and their book will be entered in the contest and graded as a Grammar project, too.  Read and follow the guidelines and the rubric carefully.  The students will be able to share their books with class.

Yesterday, we began the magazine sale which is a big fundraiser for us.  During the kick-off assembly, the students were so eager to begin selling.  

Tomorrow, the students need to wear their blue Goodpasture shirt for the field trip.  When we return, we will be eating our lunch in the classroom.  Everyone needs to bring a lunch from home that doesn't need warming in the microwave.  Also include plasticware, if needed, as we will not be going to the cafeteria at all.

Thank you to those of you who volunteered to send doughnuts and milk on Valentine's Day.  The students may bring individual cards/treats to pass out that morning while we enjoy our snack.  We look forward to seeing you at 1:00 p.m. for "Friends Forever", the fourth grade program.  After the performance and reception, you may sign your child out and take him/her with you.


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